Avoiding These 9 Common Divorce Mistakes

The end of a marriage is difficult for everyone. From splitting up a family to splitting up everything else that goes along with shifting from one household to two, things tend to get a bit messy. Divorce experts often say that if both parties involved come out of the dissolution of the marriage thinking that they gave up a lot, then the settlement was likely reasonable.
Unfortunately, however, it can take months for some to even realize what was or was not fair in their divorce. Living with a settlement is far different than viewing it on paper. While no one enters a marriage thinking that it will end in divorce, statistics underline just how common these splits really are. As such, protecting yourself and your family is critical.
Laced with emotion by nature, the ability to think clearly during a divorce proceeding is nearly impossible. And while each and every divorce is inevitably different, there is certainly a right way to get divorced and a wrong way to get divorced. With countless divorces to point to as a guiding point, it is important to think through what to do and what not to do in a divorce.
Today, we highlight some of the most commonly seen mistakes made before, during, and after a separation. In recognizing typical blunders, divorcing parties will be better able to avoid them.
Mistakes Made During a Divorce
Protection is the primary issue when it comes to a divorce. From finances to family, protecting those things most essential to daily life is imperative. The reality is that half of all marriages end in divorce and learning from others mistakes can place you in a better position to carry out a smooth separation.
Is your divorce lawyer going to handle everything for you? Do you need to hire a forensic accountant? How important is it to consider mediation? Most people do not know the answers to these questions, and that is okay.
Divorcing parties are tasked with the challenge of staying level-headed while dealing with an extremely difficult situation. As such, knowing what errors to try to circumvent is key. The following are some of the most commonly made mistakes in a divorce:
- Providing inaccurate financial information
- Neglecting to change wills and trusts
- Failing to have a basic financial education
- Leading with emotions instead of logic
- Ignoring the advice of professionals
- Forgetting to consider how taxes will be impacted
- Lacking the patience to seek all options prior to starting the process
- Not taking the children into account
- Increasing debt on purpose just before the divorce
It is easy to fall into the trap of looking at a divorce in one or two major parts. The reality, however, is that a divorce is comprised of a lot of pieces, all requiring attention to detail. Far too many people approach a divorce with information given by family and friends. While these people should certainly be leaned on for emotional support, it is best to stick with divorce professionals for advice and guidance.
At Ellrich, Neal, Smith & Stohlman, P.A., our clients include both litigants and attorneys, and our services are provided both before the inception of and throughout the course of litigation. We are regularly retained in civil, criminal, and family law (divorce) matters, and often participate in the development of pleadings and in the discovery process. If you have any questions about your divorce, please feel free to contact us at our Palm Beach Gardens or Miami office.