Understanding Valuations During COVID-19

business valuation

The coronavirus pandemic has given business owners and entrepreneurs a different perspective on how to navigate the “new normal” of business relations. As uncertainty and volatility continue to plague business dealings of all kinds, many wonder where business valuations fall into the mix. Financial markets and the global economy have undoubtedly suffered, so understanding the…

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Machine Learning and Cybersecurity

Machine Learning and Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity threats are something that individuals, companies, and governments have been dealing with since the 1970s. As digital infrastructure continues to advance, cybersecurity measures must develop accordingly. Modern cyberattacks have become increasingly sophisticated, easily bypassing even some of the most robust cyber defenses. With this in mind, cybersecurity experts have applied a wide range of…

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Mergers and Acquisitions During a Pandemic


On both a national and global scale, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a major economic impact. From restructuring to closing shop altogether, businesses both large and small have had to make adjustments to reflect the new current normal. Globally, mergers and acquisitions have felt a true material impact of the coronavirus crisis. And while the…

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Top 10 Reasons for a Business Valuation

business valuation charts

A business valuation is the process used to evaluate the economic value of the owner’s interest in their business. While many business owners only receive a valuation when absolutely needed, it can be very beneficial to be proactive with business valuations, especially when planning for the future. Here are the top 10 reasons for a…

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Cash Flow Management for Small Businesses

Cash flow management

Small businesses today must be extremely mindful about their cash position. If the last several months have taught us anything, it is has reminded us that the state of the economy can change quickly. While no one could have predicted the coronavirus pandemic, small businesses who have a strong handle on cash flow management were…

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What Industries are Thriving During the Pandemic?

success and growth

Surviving the coronavirus is the theme of 2020 so far. From big corporations to small business, it seems like nearly every industry is getting hit, and hit hard. The thought of profiting during COVID-19 is unthinkable to many, but there are inevitably organizations that benefit from a pandemic. Who are they? Who is able to…

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Industries Hit Hardest from Coronavirus

business and coronavirus

From layoffs to furloughs and from temporary closings to permanent shutdowns, COVID-19 has impacted virtually every single industry under the sun. It’s no secret that economic growth worldwide has plunged significantly. In the United States, business owners have had to pull rabbits out of their hats left and right in order to keep their businesses…

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Keeping Your Business Afloat Amid COVID-19

emergency business plan

COVID-19 has made a major dent in the global economy and the long-term business fallout is inevitable. For many small businesses, the coronavirus means they must close their doors entirely, even if temporarily. For others, it means scaling back significantly and making unfortunate cuts to salaries, workforce, and more. Owners of small- and medium-sized businesses…

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Coronavirus and Its Impact on Valuations and IPOs


The coronavirus outbreak has made a major impact on the stock market. Experts have pointed to fears that the market will remain struggling for some time, even after the virus is properly contained. So, how does this impact valuations and IPOs today, tomorrow, and even months from now? First and foremost, it is important to…

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Looking Past Financials to Gauge the Status of Your Business

KPI - Key performance indicator. Business process efficiency improvement.

From balance sheets to income statements and from cash flows to retained earnings, financial statements are essential to any entity. Evaluating financial activities means using these financial statements to unveil where a company is, how it compares to past successes, and possibly where it has the capacity to go in the future. As a business…

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