Significant Cases
Air Turbine Technology, Inc. v. Atlas Copco, et al.
This case was a patent infringement case. We were hired by the Defendants to compute the damages resulting from the alleged infringement and to critique the opposing expert’s report.
David Markin v. Susan Markin
This was a marital dissolution case. We were retained to identify and value the marital assets and liabilities, identify the existence of any non-marital assets or liabilities, and to determine the income generated by the various assets. Our document management process enabled us to efficiently manage and utilize over 150 boxes of records that were produced in this case.
Jennifer Brooke Gordon v. Jeffery M. Gordon
This case was another marital dissolution case involving extensive records. Over 80 boxes of records were analyzed by our firm during this engagement, which included the identification and valuation of marital assets and liabilities, as well as the determination of the income generated by the various assets.
Yates, et al., as Class Representatives of those similarly situated, v. Equity Residential Properties Trust
We were retained in this case to assist in obtaining certification as a class action on behalf of former tenants who were assessed disputed charges. We were hired to summarize the disputed amounts charged to the former tenants of over 80 apartment complexes for a number of years; our analysis was based on both electronic and paper records.